Vietnam targets over 5 billion USD in fruit export turnover by 2025


Vietnam’s fruit export turnover is expected to top 5 billion USD by 2025 and about 6.5 billion USD by 2030.

Vietnam’s fruit export turnover is expected to top 5 billion USD by 2025 and about 6.5 billion USD by 2030.

According to a plan to develop key fruit trees until 2025 and 2030 approved recently by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD), Vietnam will concentrate on developing 14 key fruit trees, including dragon fruit, mango, banana, litchi, longan, orange, grapefruit, pineapple, rambutan, durian, jackfruit, passion fruit, avocado, and custard apple.

The area of these fruit trees is planned to reach 960,000 ha by 2025 and 1 million ha by 2030, producing about 11 – 12 million tonnes and 13-14 million tonnes of products, respectively.

MARD set to expand the total planting area of fruit trees nationwide to 1.2 million by 2025 and 1.3 million by in 2030, with respective yields of 14 million tonnes and 16 million tonnes.

The ministry has assigned its Plant Protection Department to coordinate with localities in disease management on fruit trees, and guide localities to develop planting area codes and traceability of the origin of products; and work with units on expanding export markets for fruit products.

It will join hands with localities and businesses in removing trade barriers, expanding markets, promoting science and technology transfer, supporting farmers in accessing capital, building concentrated fruit growing areas, and developing deep processing facilities.

Statistics from the General Department of the Vietnam Customs show that dragon fruit recorded the largest export turnover in the first eight months of 2022, reaching nearly 463 million USD. It was followed by banana and durian with 237 million USD and 158 million USD, respectively./.


For more information, please contact Vietnam Trade Office in Singapore at [email protected]