Timing: 14:00, April 13th, 2022 (Singapore time)

Register Link: https://forms.gle/LEbd7hfoUZFF4x9k8

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and VnEconomy – Vietnam Economic Times assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with relevant agencies and organizations Vietnam Connect 2022 Forum.

The Vietnam Connect annual forum is set up targeting three main subjects, including Locality – International Partners – and Business Community (Vietnamese enterprises and FDI enterprises in Vietnam).

The purpose and mission of Diễn đàn Vienam Connect is to strengthen connection activities, expand cooperation opportunities, update and exchange new trends of the world, help localities and Vietnamese businesses to integrate and participate deeply involved in the global value chain, while promoting the effectiveness of international cooperation and assistance, promoting the successful implementation of development goals as well as the implementation of international commitments, for the prosperous development of Vietnam.

The Vietnam Connect 2022 Forum focuses on:
1. Creating opportunities for localities to clearly express their views, spirit, and key contents of local development planning strategies associated with green growth goals according to policies national policy, and priority requirements, by clearly demonstrating the green transformation action plans of the projects being and will be implemented locally;
2. Enhance the role and promote the voice and actions of businesses in demonstrating commitment and responsibility, making efforts to transform projects towards green investment associated with economic growth, environmental protection. schools and develop a humane and sustainable community;
3. Consultation and support of international partners to accelerate the effective implementation of action plans of localities and businesses.

Contact person: Mr. Bill (+65 86686789) or email: [email protected]

For more information, please contact Vietnam Trade Office in Singapore at [email protected]